Jimmy lost a few hairs today. And I cried. Am I an emotional rollercoaster? I think yes! Am I crazy? I think maybe. My brain knows that Jimmy can’t have alopecia. But it freaks me right out when I see a falling hair. It’s so weird. To logically know something, but still be upset by something that can’t happen. I can’t explain it but you get it.
I just went to the gym, had a shower and when I walked in my room I looked in the mirror. When I saw my reflection I was drawn to my right eyebrow. It looks like it is thinning. I don’t know if I’m crazy, but to me it looks thinner than my left one. And so I called my roommate Julia into my room to make sure I was not insane. All she said was oh no! In a cheerfulish voice, and then I just kind of turned around and pretended to look like it didn’t bother me, and so she just went back to her room. I’m sick of pretending. I’m sick of being strong. I just put on mascara, now it will probably run down my face. Here it goes. I have to go write an exam now. I hope I can pull it together.
I did pull it together, and everything went fine. Both exams, theory and Italian were easy breezy. I haven’t really revealed the experience I had when I got my new hair. I went to Continental Hair in Toronto, in the beginning of November, 2010 to get my new wig. I walked into the store and was confronted with white stryofoam heads with wigs on them everywhere. But they weren’t too overwhelming, just different. I met a guy named Michael and his friend, whose name I forget. His friend styled and cut my wig, and just helped me choose which one was going to work the best for me. I got my wig cut, permed, died, and yea that’s it. And I got a stryofoam head and loads of products to use on it (the hair, not the styrofoam!!). When I was sitting in the chair getting my new wig I had a moment of calmness and this huge sense of relief. Wigs have improved so much. My wig is hardly very itchy, and is fairly lightweight it has yet to ever fall off my head, and every one loves it. Best of all his name is Jimmy. Anyhow he’s awesome, and totally worthwhile. Although I get very sad, depressed, and mopey, I really do love him very much. You know my totally 180 mood shift is because I’m sitting in the back room of my house with four people I love so much. Chris, Spencer, Dad, Stella, my dog. And my mum whom I love so much too, is in the kitchen baking. I am so happy to be home for Christmas.
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