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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

High Five For Jimmy!

Today I was thinking about all of the pros to having a wig.  Well, not just having a wig, but having a Jimmy in particular.  So here’s a list!

1.     Jimmy needs to be washed only once a month!

      And he goes through a little bit of a progression, after he has just been washed he looks great down for about four (ish) days.  Then, he goes into the half up half down with a cute clip stage.  This stage can last a very long time depending on how often Jimmy gets drenched by the everyday sunshine of Victoria…and by sunshine I mean rain!  Jimmy gets dry (as in feels dry) a lot quicker than normal hair because he doesn’t absorb the oils from my head, so I have some hair products for that as well.  But, I need to be careful of putting too much product in Jimmy because then it lingers there, and looks nasty.  To be specific, I have a spray bottle and I spray him till he is soaking about twice a week, and then he’s good to go!  He dries overnight while he sits on Lola (the Styrofoam head).  I have contemplated painting Lola, giving her a really nice face, but for some reason I just don’t do it.  I have taken a red sharpie to her lips and made them bright red! That at least makes her feel more like a lady!  Sometimes I make inappropriate remarks about Jimmy and Lola as if they are in a relationship..  It’s make believe, but giving both of them personalities and characters is way more interesting than thinking of them as a human hair wig and a Styrofoam head. 

2.     I don’t have to deal with bed head.   

      When you sleep bald, it’s slightly impossible to wake up with great bed head.  That being said, is it weird that I miss the feeling of waking up and laughing at myself in the mirror because my hair went crazy?  Probably.  It’s the little things I miss.  Like when I was at the gym the other day on the treadmill, there were two girls in front of me on the elliptical machines.  One of them had beautiful blonde hair.  Enough to donate.  That’s another thing.  Obviously I see hair in a very different light now, but also I really am very, very aware of other people’s hair.  And if I see someone with beautiful, long hair I cannot help but think how great it would be for them to donate it.  It would grow back.  And they have enough for two people.  It’s like people really don’t now how much their dead cells can improve someone else’s life! 

3.     My hair doesn’t get greasy.  And, would I take greasy hair for the rest of my life, or baldness?  Well I guess it would depend if I could wash the greasy hair.  Uh it’s a hard decision. 

4.     I can do my hair in 2 seconds.   

      Okay, so I really understand most guys, and why they don’t really understand girls and our hair.  It’s because, they literally just run a towel through their head a couple times, and they don’t think about their hair until they shower next and run that towel through their hair again. It’s that simple.  Now, what would the world be like if nobody had hair on their head? As if it never existed.  Would people focus on other hair, like eyebrows and eyelashes?  Would people still shave their legs?  Would anything really be different?  So many wonders I have in my mind.  They just linger for awhile, unless I really am determined to form an opinion on them.  I think so many thoughts in one day, some are really fleeting, others not so much.  And, also.. have you ever noticed how people often first describe someone with their hair colour?  Like if you say, oh I don’t know who that is...  How many times has someone said, oh she’s the girl with the curly blonde hair, or something along those lines.  All the time.  And I wonder, why has hair become such an indicator of personality, of our identity?

5.     If I do decide to dye Jimmy, he never will get roots.   

      This is actually such a plus!  Except that it isn’t good to dye hair too often, but still, I don’t have to worry about roots, which I know bug a lot of people.  I never really dyed my old hair that much.  Hah, my old hair.  It’s sad, I don’t remember that much about it.  Interesting though, how something that was a part of me for nineteen years can be partially forgotten already.  Back to those girls on the elliptical machines at the gym, so one of them had beautiful long blonde hair.  And she kept redoing her ponytail.  I miss being able to run my fingers through my hair, and feel the tugging from my head.  Feel that sensation of it being attached to my head.  Jimmy feels like a hat.  If someone were to careful place an object on the top of my head while I was wearing Jimmy, I would not be able to feel them do it at all.  And I can’t wear Jimmy up in a high bun or ponytail either.  I miss that.   I see girls with these cute high buns and I want to compliment them and tell them to enjoy those hairdos!  Random, I miss the hair that grows right above your ears.  I feel so self conscious whenever I tuck Jimmy behind my ears because I have no hair there, and I think it looks really weird! I know in all reality, nobody is zeroing in on what’s growing above my ears, but I can’t help but feel odd.  I also miss my ears in general.  Jimmy is curly and thick but often, since I have to wear him low, he covers my ears!  But I have these great sunflower earring that make a good statement, and remind me that I have ears when I need that reminder.  

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