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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Funny Encounter #1

It’s exam time.  The library suddenly becomes a bustling place where everyone you know is there.  And, frankly, not much studying goes on if you are sitting in the coffee shop area.  Which is where I was the other day, eating a great chicken sandwich before I went off to prepare for a final. Since everyone is in the library, you’re bound to run in to people you know, acquaintance, friends, profs, all of the above. In my case it was an acquaintance.  She approached me, I was in the corner on a comfy chair reading some notes and eating, and she came and sat on the small empty chair beside me.  We met in first term of first year because we had one class together, therefore she is not a music student which means I never really see her, and it was one of those strictly school related friendships.  Anyhow, our friendship reached the level of Facebook worthy, hence we are “Facebook friends”.  The term “Facebook friend” is really up to debate, I mean I wouldn’t consider myself good friends with everyone I have on Facebook, but I don’t have anyone on my Facebook that I haven’t really had a conversation with or something like that. So we start talking, the usual boring stuff, exams, summer etc. And then she throws the notorious question…
            “So I was looking at your profile, and you have no hair?”
“Oh ya, I lost all of it this past fall due to an autoimmune disorder.”
And here comes the best response so far to my rare condition.. Are you ready?
            “You have AIDS??!!”
Please note that this comment was said loudly in a noisy coffee shop, where half the people are already eavesdropping, and the other half are still within earshot.
“No! Autoimmune Disorder doesn’t stand for AIDS.. I believe, well from what I have learned, that AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome… “
            “Oh cool!”
Okay so this comment almost made me laugh. For a couple reasons:
1.     We were already having a completely awkward conversation.
2.     Who says “Oh cool!” when I just explained what AIDS meant?
Needless to say, I pulled the classic “Well I really should get back to studying” card, and she left.  When she was out of the coffee shop, I started laughing to myself.  Autoimmune Disorder, AIDS, I guess I understand her logic.  But, really?!

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